General Feedback

How satisfied are you with the CycleSummit 2024 in Bern, Switzerland?

Your future plans in Switzerland and Bern

How likely is it that you will add (more) trips to Switzerland to your programme after the CycleSummit in Bern?
How likely is it that you will add (more) trips to the Region of Bern to your programme after the CycleSummit in Bern?
How important do you rate the CycleSummit 2024 in Switzerland for your future business/deals concerning trips to Switzerland?

Insights of your participation

only counting real business meetings
Would you consider your participation as successful?

How much do you agree with the following statements?

Exploring a new region is more important to me than a shorter journey to the CycleSummit.
In my view, the conference brochure is well-made and a valuable tool that I continue to use even after the CycleSummit.
I’d like more slots for workshops, discussions, and relevant talks.
If the CycleSummit went until Tuesday evening, I would stay until the end (or even an extra night).
I would appreciate more free, unstructured time during the CycleSummit.
Pre-planned speed meetings to meet more participants would be a great addition.
Please keep everything as it is—it’s just right!

About You (optional, you can also complete the survey anonymously)